United Way of Clinton County, Iowa (UWCCI) has completed reviewing 29 local agency applications for annual grant funding, which takes several months. Twenty-one community volunteers serve on the Citizen Review Committee to assess agency programs and make funding recommendations to the UWCCI Board of Trustees.
UWCCI accepts applications for funding in the spring from local non-profits that provide programs in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health & Wellness. Liaisons from the Citizen Review Committee visit the agencies, followed by agency presentations to the committee, demonstrating their program success rates, outcomes, and people served. Presentations are followed by application scoring by community need, financial need, and program results. Finally, the committee then makes its funding recommendations to the Board of Trustees, determining the funding grant decisions.
Clinton County residents and businesses have been very generous in supporting the UWCCI fundraising campaigns every year. However, there is still an approximately $100,000 shortfall of meeting the amounts agencies have requested. The community investment budget relies on the success of the annual campaign and the ability to raise funds to fund requests fully. It is expected that the Fall 2020 Campaign will be especially challenging for fundraising due to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
United Way of Clinton County, Iowa funds approximately 22 local non-profit programs through assistance agencies like DeWitt Referral Center, Clinton YWCA, The Sawmill Museum, ASAC, and The Associate Benevolent Society. To learn more about the United Way of Clinton County, Iowa, or how you can get involved, visit www.clintonunitedway.org, email administrator@clintonunitedway.org, or call the local office at 563-242-1209.